
R & D Mission
R & D Mission

R & D Mission

Sinoma Int. enjoys China’s best R & D resources. In Beijing we have Sinoma Research Institute and we also conduct research and development activities in the centers in Tianjin, Nanjing and Chengdu. Moreover Sinoma Int. owns China’s only National Engineering Research Center of Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection in cement industry and many other research centers at state level. Bringing its resources into full play, Sinoma Int. has developed state-of-the-art technologies and equipment for cement production.


Sinoma Int. contributed a lot to advancing China’s dry-processing technologies. In 1986, China’s first 2,000 t/d dry-process plant developed by us was completed and put into production. It is hailed as a historical milestone in the development of China’s cement industry. In 1992 another 2,000 t/d plant built by Sinoma Int. was completed. Sinoma int. has since successively developed cement production lines with capacity from 2,500 t/d to 12,000 t/d.


Sinoma Int. pioneers in China in developing ecology & environment friendly technologies for cement industry. Many achievements are made. We have technology of using cement kiln to co-process industrial wastes, municipal solid wastes and sludge, technology of using slag, flyash and other industrial wastes as materials and high-efficient de-dusting and de-NOx technologies, etc. Sinoma Int. fully commits itself for the sustainable development of cement industry.


Recent missions:
1. Neo technologies, equipment and electrical & automation system for cement engineering;
2. Ecological and environmental protection technologies for cement engineering;
3. Industry chain extension and technologies for other industries than cement.

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